Who have you come here to be? The question is a deep one that can never be fully answered due to the nature of our continuing evolution on planet Earth. It is humanity’s natural inclination to grow and to flourish. When it stops, we stagnate. So the exciting news is […]
minister’s message
What would your life be like if you lived from a deep place of peace, knowing that nothing and no one is against you? Too often in life we believe that outer circumstances are holding us back or causing us pain. When we wait for others to change, or for outer circumstances to adjust, we give away our sense of wholeness and our very freedom to craft the life our heart desires. There is a better way. During this interactive 6-week class, you will experience powerful exercises, multi-media presentations, and meaningful discussions to support you in creating the life you desire. As a part of this class, both of our ministers, Gary and Jane Simmons, will support you […]
This weekend we had a wonderful mix of spiritual, inspirational and totally entertaining at our spiritual center. We honored Rev. Jackie Green, who has served youth and their families at our center for over 30 years. Our hearts and families are blessed by Jackie’s ever-present shining light of God. We love […]
We have embarked upon a journey of self-discovery and awakened living as we continue to explore our yearly theme of Living with Nothing and No One Against Us. During the month of May, we begin a series called Be the Change, famous words attributed to Gandhi in relation to being […]
The lightness of spring is in the air! In like a lion and out like a lamb. The chilly winds of winter give way to the milder and gentler breezes of spring. The sights, colors and sounds of new life burst forth throughout all of nature. The buds and blossoms […]
Between now and Easter our Youth Ministry is using the “All Together Now” material created by Unity and geared to multi-age groups. Unit 1: What Is God? The lessons are God Is Love, God Is Life, God Is All-Good and All-Powerful, God Is All-Knowing, Everywhere Present. Unit 2: What Am […]
There’s a part of every one of us that eventually grows weary of the status quo. Joseph Campbell called the status quo, “the meanest, ugliest, most destructive monster in the forest of life that you and I travel through.” Eventually, there’s a stirring in us and a hunger for a […]
Every now and again, when I’m sitting in my office at home (I call it my “room for improvement”) I look up from the book I’m reading or from my computer. It’s because I have been disturbed by a sound and the feeling it evokes in me. The sound might […]
Perhaps you’ve heard the story of monkey traps. When anthropologists discovered how greedy and possessive monkeys can be, instead of running them down with nets and tranquilizer needles, anthropologists took coconuts, made a hole in them, tied them to a tree and went home. The next morning they’d return to […]
From our ministerial candidate, Teri Hawkins who will be speaking and facilitating a workshop January 4th… Our world is round for a very practical reason, because the place that seems like an ending is always a beginning. And so it is with our soul’s walk. Like any journey, life has […]