A Journey of Self-Discovery

We have embarked upon a journey of self-discovery and awakened living as we continue to explore our yearly theme of Living with Nothing and No One Against Us. During the month of May, we begin a series called Be the Change, famous words attributed to Gandhi in relation to being a Change AJaneGaryProgent for what it is you want to see come forth in the world.Last week, we heard about the nature of conflict and how we can use whatever is presently showing up in our lives to help us awaken and develop our capacity to actualize our spiritual potential. This week, we continue the exploration as we consider the powerful question, “Who Have We Come Here to Be?” What is it we are here to express in this world? Which divine qualities and attributes are being called forth from within us? How can each of us make a difference in our world? Just who have we come here to be? Join us on the journey as we ponder these transformative questions and see how we truly can become the change we seek.

Blessings, Gary and Jane

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