eSummer2017 Click the link above for the e-version of our latest newsletter! In it you’ll find reports from our board, foundation, treasurer of the board, music ministry and upcoming dates. There’re also articles from our three ministers and our SpiritGroup leader. Enjoy!
Why am I here – what’s my purpose on the planet – in this community – in this job as SpiritGroups Program Leader? To experience and express Love. How? Commune with my Spirit…I experience and express Love. Connect with you and your Spirit. I experience and express Love. Have compassion […]
Here it is (link below)! Enjoy your winter weather and your winter newsletter! ewinter2017 Blessings, USCspokane
If you have been attending Unity Spiritual Center since Revs. Drs. Jane and Gary Simmons became our co-ministers in April 2015, then you have heard the phrase, “raising the bar here at Unity” many, many times. You’ve also heard Dr. Gary share numerous times during his Center Update that the […]
Brianna Dirks started coming to Unity when she was pretty young, around 3 years old. She and her mom recently returned to Unity about 6 months ago. What brought Brianna back were the discussions with her mom and the memories these sparked about church being an important part of her […]