Why Am I Here? asks SpiritGroups Program Lead, Tara Wear

Why am I here – what’s my purpose on the planet – in this community – in this job as SpiritGroups Program Leader?

To experience and express Love.


Commune with my Spirit…I experience and express Love.  Connect with you and your Spirit. I experience and express Love. Have compassion for myself and for you. I experience and express Love. Serve you and our community. I experience and express Love. Challenge myself and you to expand. I experience and express Love.

Our mission here is to transform lives (starting with mine – be the change I seek) and make a positive difference in the world. How? 

One Love. Many ways this is expressed. One is through SpiritGroups. My life’s journey has led me to this moment, right here, right now. As a part of that journey, SpiritGroups showed up for me. Our community’s journey in SpiritGroups began last year. The McClure’s graciously hosted nine of us in their home for the pilot group, which launched in January and the first series kicked off in April. Since then, we’ve had three series, 25 groups, 33 hosts, 209 participants. Our third series kicked off at the end of last month and wraps at the end of next month.

Those numbers tell a story, but I’m also called to tell you about these people and how their lives have changed…

  • a woman who challenges herself to meditate four times a week and how she receives compassion and learns to give herself compassion for whatever she was able to do or not do that week.
  • a man who is learning to laugh again, to allow the Spirit of Joy to move in him and be expressed
  • a woman, surrounded by love and compassion, when her husband passes away unexpectedly
  • a newborn being held by her new Dad on National Adoption Day (witnessed by SpiritGroup volunteers)
  • the women in a Spokane shelter receiving food on Thanksgiving provided by and from a SpiritGroup
  • me, a person living her purpose, providing opportunities through SpiritGroups for you to connect to yourselves, to each other, to Love/God/Spirit
  • And many more of us are out there! I am filled with gratitude for my community (you all), for being on this journey with me and for your generous support of this amazing work.



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