eSummer2017 Click the link above for the e-version of our latest newsletter! In it you’ll find reports from our board, foundation, treasurer of the board, music ministry and upcoming dates. There’re also articles from our three ministers and our SpiritGroup leader. Enjoy!
Thank You! Thank you so very much and from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to serve on your board for the last six years. You see, I am completing my 2nd straight term and 6th straight year overall as a board member and that means my time […]
Here it is (link below)! Enjoy your winter weather and your winter newsletter! ewinter2017 Blessings, USCspokane
Today is the first day of winter, Happy Solstice to you, so it’s apropos to read our winter newsletter today I think–enjoy–eWinter2015!
We promised that you’d see our latest newsletter, and here it is: Summer2015! This season you’ll find messages from our three ministers, reports from our Board of Trustees, Foundation and Bookstore. You’ll also see dates for upcoming events and a new Generosity Report. JeNeal Brown is our featured “New to Unity” […]
Did you know that our Discoveries newsletter continues being published? True! We publish this newsletter quarterly now, and we focus on Gratitudes and Celebrations–looking back at the past season, counting our blessings, reporting on upcoming events, and blessing our ministry and those who participate and lead us. We include articles from […]