A Word from Rev. Jackie Green I want to feature Emily Michels (pictured below) from USCSpokane who is our NW Regional Youth Of Unity (YOU) Officer. She was elected at Rally in April to lead and guide all the regional youth events from July 2016 through July 2017. Judi Jamison […]
Rev. Jane spoke last Sunday about the emotional baggage we might still be carrying with us in our present lives: the hurts and traumas from our past weighing us down. It takes work to unpack these “bags.” We must unlearn what we’ve learned in order to try and cope with these […]
Are you thinking about summer already? We are, and we’re getting prepped for our super-fun summer camp: Kid’s Week! Kid’s Week is designed to be a fun and creative experience for children ages 4 to 11. Mornings will begin with uplifting songs and affirmations, then groups will visit different activity stations. Children […]
The word hallow means saint or holy person. Hallowe’en is short for All Hallows’ Eve, the evening before All Hallows or All Saints Day, November 1… Halloween and All Saints Day Are examples of Unity’s denial and affirmation prayer process. Halloween is the denial, denying that what is scaring us […]
Thanks to Marcia and Tim Ryburn’s organizational acumen, another Unity Picnic went off without a hitch! Not that we could control the weather, but even the weather was mild and perfect for a gathering at the park. Of course we had plenty of side dishes and desserts thanks to our Unity […]
Seva Star features stellar volunteers who provide sacred service, or Seva, to our Center. They are shining stars! This season, we are featuring Mary Ladwig. Mary is a retired Early Childhood Education and Assistance (ECEAP) teacher and parent visitor and has been serving our center in the Youth Ministry for […]
We are so grateful for all the support we received this week in co-creating another wonderful Kids Week! Many thanks to our snack guys Wayne and John; grandparent helpers, Elizabeth and Mary Theresa; Revs. Jackie and Jane; art helpers Jane, Diane, Dana; kid helpers Bob, Marlene and Reese, youth volunteers Aurelia, […]
JeNeal is excited to begin contributing to our Unity Spiritual Center Spokane blog. When she returns to Spokane in a few weeks, she’ll be posting monthly as a parent trying to walk the talk and live our Unity values, especially as they relate to Rev. Jane’s and Dr. Gary’s messages and […]
If you’re not on Facebook, you’ve missed some amazing pictures from the Unity People’s Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Like this picture of Rev. David presenting our Youth & Family Minister, Rev. Jackie with the Light of God Expressing In Unity Award. And this one of Rev. Jackie, glowing with […]