The music team wants to thank you, the Unity Community, for sending us to the Unity Posi(tive) Music Convention in Tampa Bay last February. The new sing-along preludes and meditation songs that you are enjoying are part of the voluminous amounts of positive music we experienced. While at the convention, […]
It takes a lot to run Unity Spiritual Center. While it takes a lot of steady financial support to pay the bills and the staff salaries, it takes a lot more to provide the myriad of services. As you look around on Sundays or any other day of the week […]
eSummer2017 Click the link above for the e-version of our latest newsletter! In it you’ll find reports from our board, foundation, treasurer of the board, music ministry and upcoming dates. There’re also articles from our three ministers and our SpiritGroup leader. Enjoy!
Food is yummy. Food can make us feel happy. Food is a cultural experience. Food is fun and better when shared! We are hosting our first Linger-Longer Potluck this Sunday. And we’ll have more coming. Every month with a fifth Sunday, we’ll host these potlucks where everyone is invited […]
Come pray with us on Maundy Thursday, April 13th. Drop in anytime between 2-7 pm and pray in the silence with our chaplains in our chapel, 2900 S Bernard, 99203. Though we won’t be washing any feet, we know that sitting with others in prayer is a deeply moving, renewing, […]
Our Unity center houses many programs, groups, events, memorials & weddings, music recitals and classes. Our mission is about “Tranforming Lives and Helping People Make a Positive Difference in the World.” We rent space, partner with different for and non-profit businesses and individuals who share our values, and participate in […]
Why am I here – what’s my purpose on the planet – in this community – in this job as SpiritGroups Program Leader? To experience and express Love. How? Commune with my Spirit…I experience and express Love. Connect with you and your Spirit. I experience and express Love. Have compassion […]
Please welcome our two newest employees: Linda Tweedy (L) and Rebecca Ker (R) Linda is our accountant and bookstore manager and was most recently employed at KAYU-TV. She will be in the office M-W and also on Sunday. Rebecca is our administrator and was most recently employed at The […]
From Pema Chodron’s thoughts, which she had after reading The Training of the Boddhisatva, composed in the 8th century by Shantideva… If these long-lived, ancient patterns of mind, closed-heartedness, which are the well-spring only of unceasing woe, If these patterns of hard-heartedness can find their way, which only lead to my […]
Last Sunday, we heard from Rev. Jane on the power of faith, one of the 12 Powers, laid out by Unity’s co-found Charles Fillmore. Faith isn’t a strictly religious idea. We exercise faith, or blind belief, in all sorts of things–the chairs we sit in, the cars we drive, the […]