What a fabulous Kids Week we had this summer–collaborating, connecting and creating! Seeing is believing–watch the video for the highlights…
Please mark your calendar! All: Fall SpiritGroup sign-ups begin mid-late August All: Next series begins week of September 11 and concludes week of November 13 Week 1 — Welcome Week (Get to know each other, decide on group agreements) Week 2 — Intro Week (5 Spiritual Disciplines practiced in SpiritGroups) […]
Thank you for your interest in joining a SpiritGroup! To see a list of the groups forming, click on this link below in blue. You will see a list of 11 groups with their host’s name(s), a description of their group’s “common interest” and location details (i.e., day of the week/time […]
March 6 and 13, our youth will be creating a “peace mobile” as our contribution to the Global Art Project for Peace. This mobile will be part of a worldwide effort to connect people by providing a way for them to share their visions for peace through group and individual […]
Are you wanting to experience peace of mind on a more consistent basis? Come join the Northwest Next Generation of Unity to learn practical tools you can do daily to be more mindfully aware of your spiritual connection. At this weekend retreat you will grow and expand in an […]
Aug 5, 2014 Our platform is progressing beautifully. We’re using bamboo because it’s sustainable, durable and has a wonderfully warm glow. Take a peek and let us know what you think!
July 30, 2014 Wow, thanks to the hard work of our dedicated volunteers–David D, Don D, Joe W and Jim S–our new platform is really starting to take shape. We’ll keep you updated with more posts, so please check back often!