Thousands of people will join Silent Unity®—an international, transdenominational 24/7 prayer ministry—and Unity churches and centers around the world on September 14, 2017, for the 24th annual Unity World Day of Prayer. The theme of the 24-hour prayer event is “Peace in the Midst.” This year’s affirmation is “I am […]
Come pray with us on Maundy Thursday, April 13th. Drop in anytime between 2-7 pm and pray in the silence with our chaplains in our chapel, 2900 S Bernard, 99203. Though we won’t be washing any feet, we know that sitting with others in prayer is a deeply moving, renewing, […]
Our Unity center houses many programs, groups, events, memorials & weddings, music recitals and classes. Our mission is about “Tranforming Lives and Helping People Make a Positive Difference in the World.” We rent space, partner with different for and non-profit businesses and individuals who share our values, and participate in […]
Join Silent Unity on a powerful journey. Beginning today and spanning two weeks, Silent Unity, where many go for prayer support, is posing 14 questions to help you process difficult times. Questions that may help you shift your energy and your outlook, in order to make it through another difficult […]
Unity Spiritual Center will be launching our small-group ministry program, called SpiritGroups, this spring! These small groups will offer a wide variety of gathering options through which it is easy to make friends, deeper connections and loving relationships in our spiritual community. SpiritGroups are about gathering with other like-minded people […]
The crisp Fall air reminds me that change is here. All the colors–trees with leaves so red–they look as if they are on fire. This season warms my heart, filling me up with memories from the years before. It’s crazy how the Earth shows us that death is not an […]