Better Together–Yard Party Sunday, Oct 21 during the 11 am service Caregivers and their children/grandchildren from UniKids, UniFriends and Uniteens (K-8th graders) are encouraged to wear outdoor yard work clothes to assist with removing pine cones from the lawn and sweeping/raking pine needles into the bark areas. This service project […]
Calling all kids, parents, guardians and grandparents! This summer our youth educators will present “Design Your Dreams” Kids Week. If you know a child between the ages of 5-14, this camp is designed for them. The takes place from August 7-11, and there’s still time to register: KidsCampregistrationform2017! At Kids Week, […]
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth? I don’t know! Click on the pic below to get a feel for our most recent picnic and how our spiritual center celebrates life. Thanks to the Ryburn family, Wayne Green and the Bissons for buying food, and all […]
Brianna Dirks started coming to Unity when she was pretty young, around 3 years old. She and her mom recently returned to Unity about 6 months ago. What brought Brianna back were the discussions with her mom and the memories these sparked about church being an important part of her […]
Are you thinking about summer already? We are, and we’re getting prepped for our super-fun summer camp: Kid’s Week! Kid’s Week is designed to be a fun and creative experience for children ages 4 to 11. Mornings will begin with uplifting songs and affirmations, then groups will visit different activity stations. Children […]
The word hallow means saint or holy person. Hallowe’en is short for All Hallows’ Eve, the evening before All Hallows or All Saints Day, November 1… Halloween and All Saints Day Are examples of Unity’s denial and affirmation prayer process. Halloween is the denial, denying that what is scaring us […]