In times of feeling overwhelmed, stress, and health challenges, everyone weakens to some extent the strength that the Great Spirit provides from within. Thus, the ego takes over, and creates chaos and trouble. In fact, ego competes with God’s peace and harmonious healing conditions by adding fear, uncertainty instead of […]
I grew up in the area of Syracuse, New York. It is located just east of the Great Lakes. This causes “Lake Effect” snow in the winter, giving the city an awesome average snowfall of more than 10 feet. Suffice it to say, slippery roads are pretty common in the […]
In January of this year, we received a letter from the directors of the Tree of Sharing (TOS). This is what it said: “The TOS welcomed the opportunity to once again partner with Unity Spiritual Center to fill gift requests from the often forgotten members of our community during this […]
Our center is again hosting a Tree of Sharing (TOS) for the holiday season. We have requested 35 gift tags, 10 more than last year because all the gifts were scooped up so quickly last year. Joan McConnal was here today, and mentioned that the TOS received 7,456 gift requests this […]
Today is the first day of winter, Happy Solstice to you, so it’s apropos to read our winter newsletter today I think–enjoy–eWinter2015!
We wrapped-up our Tree of Sharing, our first ever, for the Christmas holiday. We collected 20 gifts, totally approximately $500. Actually, as our generous members couldn’t help themselves, more was donated. Several of our members said to me that they threw in an extra game, pair of socks, toy, pair […]
Tomorrow, Rev. Jane will be talking with Joan McConnel, coordinator for the Tree of Sharing, and we’re excited about this potential partnership. If you’re a Spokanite, you probably know about the Tree of Sharing, which has been in existence for more than 30 years and serving this area during the holidays. […]