Summertime has arrived, abounding in opportunities to rest, relax, and become immersed in the healing beauty of nature. While all of the seasons hold out the promise of supporting our healing work, the summer seems to be tailor made for it. It invites us into spending time releasing the stresses […]
minister’s message
It’s that time again–our Discoveries quarterly newsletter is complete! Link below… eSummer2016 Read messages from your board president and treasurer, ministers and more. You’ll also have an opportunity to hear one woman’s story about how returning to Unity has transformed her life. Enjoy!
Perhaps you’ve heard the story of monkey traps. When anthropologists discovered how greedy and possessive monkeys can be, instead of running them down with nets and tranquilizer needles, anthropologists took coconuts, made a hole in them, tied them to a tree and went home. The next morning they’d return to […]
From our ministerial candidate, Teri Hawkins who will be speaking and facilitating a workshop January 4th… Our world is round for a very practical reason, because the place that seems like an ending is always a beginning. And so it is with our soul’s walk. Like any journey, life has […]
In the words of Albert Camus, “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” As I write these words, there is a chill in the air that tells me we are nearing winter. And all of sudden, it’s hitting me that I’m […]
Aug 20, 2014 Wayne recently asked me what, when and how do we expose our children to and communicate with them about all the seemingly bad things that are reported in the news. That is a huge question. You probably have your own answers and experiences with how you have […]
Aug 14, 2014 I am writing this article on a hot day in August. I’m not even thinking about Fall. Yet, already the days are getting shorter and the nights are growing longer. On September 22, there will be about as much light during the day as there is […]