January 27, 2019

Trading Patience for Presence

Preacher: Rev. Jane Simmons | Series: Don’t Believe a Word I Say | The author Dan Millman teaches that there are no ordinary moments in the School of Life. Each and every instant is a unique and unrepeatable event. The question we want to ask ourselves is “How many moments of my extraordinary life am I really living?”

Am I just going through the motions, feeling completely bored with my life? Am I hurrying through moments that I don’t find enjoyable, irritated by seeming obstacles to my happiness that are showing up in my path? Am I truly experiencing my life, or am I mentally checked out and unavailable, like an “absentee landlord”?

What if the way we experience the present moment is actually the way we experience our lives? Join Rev. Jane this Sunday to examine these and other questions as she shares her talk, entitled “Trading Patience for Presence.”

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