Don’t miss this spirited musical revue, featuring our multi-talented Unity Choir! Bring your friends and family and sing along with your favorite songs from the 50’s through today! Tickets are $20/each or $75/5 — call today: 838-6518 Proceeds benefit our spiritual center
Monthly Archives: September 2016
Unity Spiritual Center (USC) is about transforming lives and helping people to make a difference in their world. USC is both a spiritual community and an organization that is entirely supported by the generosity of our members and friends. We rely upon your financial support to manage the needs and […]
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth? I don’t know! Click on the pic below to get a feel for our most recent picnic and how our spiritual center celebrates life. Thanks to the Ryburn family, Wayne Green and the Bissons for buying food, and all […]
School has started so it’s officially fall right? Well that and SpiritGroups are about to meet, so that’s another sign that it’s fall. To register with your SpiritGroup, follow the instructions below… Option A: Go to Click on “Find a group” across the top (This takes you to a search page.) […]