Unity Kiddos this Summer

Calling all kids, parents, guardians and grandparents! This summer our youth educators will present “Design Your Dreams” Kids Week. If you know a child between the ages of 5-14, this camp is designed for them.

The takes place from August 7-11, and there’s still time to register: KidsCampregistrationform2017!

At Kids Week, participants will create their own powerful visualization tool: either a Mind Movie (3-minute video that includes affirmations, inspirational imag-es, video clips and their own personal soundtrack), age appropriate Dream Journal, or a Dream Poster. These visual tools help to SUPERCHARGE reaching  goals and desires.

Mornings of Kids Week will begin with uplifting songs and affirmations. Then groups will visit different creative activity stations, plus have a snack and free time to play or socialize. Our theme will invite participants on an adventure to explore their dreams, inspirations and aspirations.

Cost is $30