Fired after 18 months, divorced, ministerial credentials removed, Dr. Gary was the poster child on how-to-fail-at-ministry. Reeling from this, Dr. Gary, like a lot of us, blamed everyone else and made it ok to blame others when he was feeling diminished. After receiving these words from a wise monk… “No […]
Join Unity Worldwide’s Burning Bowl Ceremony! Honor the new year by releasing old wounds or negative thought patterns—whatever may be holding you back from living your best life! Write whatever you want to release on our electronic form, and we will hold it in the Silent Unity® Prayer Vigil […]
Are we “out of our mind?” We all have heard this phrase, and wondered what we did wrong to be accused of such a crazy idea. The mind is a starting point of the entire manifested world. God’s Mind as Spirit, Life, Love, and Creativity permeates it all, including our […]
School has started so it’s officially fall right? Well that and SpiritGroups are about to meet, so that’s another sign that it’s fall. To register with your SpiritGroup, follow the instructions below… Option A: Go to Click on “Find a group” across the top (This takes you to a search page.) […]
Brianna Dirks started coming to Unity when she was pretty young, around 3 years old. She and her mom recently returned to Unity about 6 months ago. What brought Brianna back were the discussions with her mom and the memories these sparked about church being an important part of her […]
Thank you for your interest in joining a SpiritGroup! To see a list of the groups forming, click on this link below in blue. You will see a list of 11 groups with their host’s name(s), a description of their group’s “common interest” and location details (i.e., day of the week/time […]