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What's In the Way, Is the Way, by Mary O'Malley states "Life is not a series of events that happens because you did your life right or wrong. It is…
Heart-centered compassion and "kindfulness" are the key ingredients to this healing work. It is through the power of the heart that we can learn to accept, forgive and love all…
If we are not experiencing life from the Meadow, it is because of the chattering of The Storyteller, the inner dialogue that is narrating whatever is happening and covering up…
Core beliefs, can be described as "spells" that cast shadows over our well-being and hold us firmly in the grip of separation and struggle. In this lesson on how to…
The concept of The Storyteller - "the narrator" of our experience, likes to make up stories about what is happening. We typically listen to the storyteller without realizing we are…
No matter what the outer appearance, no matter what the mind is telling us about what is happening - the truth is that everything is and always will be okay.…
Unity's Principle 5 states that it is insufficient to know the truth: we must live IT, be IT, embody IT. Often expressed as "be the change you seek," principle 5…
Unity's Principle 4 is all about spiritual practice and bringing our entire awareness into alignment with the reality of God as the foundation of our being. The spiritual practices of…

Awakening Your Inner Genius

August 25, 2019
Listen and learn how to open doors into the art of meditative listening and to transmit healing energy, peace, and joy into the world.
The Franciscan nun, Illia Delio writes, "We are not strangers in this evolving universe. We are its future." And that is the key to change. We are not strangers on…