Let’s play in the grand namaskar of being human. Don’t know the word namaskar? We understand its meaning best by comparing the words namaste and namaskar. The much more well-known word namaste literally means “I bow to you.” And in a fuller sense, it means the holy and sacred part […]
In January of this year, we received a letter from the directors of the Tree of Sharing (TOS). This is what it said: “The TOS welcomed the opportunity to once again partner with Unity Spiritual Center to fill gift requests from the often forgotten members of our community during this […]
Volunteering at church—it’s a magical animal, a bit of a shape shifter actually. Its original shape is “we need volunteers to get things done at church.” And while that’s true, just start contributing your time and talent, and that act of volunteerism shifts its shape into something very peculiar. […]
Our incredible team of volunteer adults are faithfully, lovingly and inspirationally committed and prepared to greet our younger Unity family members each Sunday morning. Collectively the 23 of them have served from a year and half to way over 20 years and have conservatively been part of approximately 2,820 Sunday […]
There are 4 SpiritGroup service projects you are invited to participate in. See the details below and thank you in advance for your involvement! Spokane Riverkeepers Trash Hunt! Organization’s mission: dedicated to protecting and restoring the health of the Spokane River Role: Care for the river by picking up trash […]
It takes a lot to run Unity Spiritual Center. While it takes a lot of steady financial support to pay the bills and the staff salaries, it takes a lot more to provide the myriad of services. As you look around on Sundays or any other day of the week […]
Our Unity center houses many programs, groups, events, memorials & weddings, music recitals and classes. Our mission is about “Tranforming Lives and Helping People Make a Positive Difference in the World.” We rent space, partner with different for and non-profit businesses and individuals who share our values, and participate in […]
We start accepting donations this Saturday, March 4th, for our annual rummage sale. Sacred Rubble is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and it brings thousands of people from the community to our amazing center. You know you’ve got too much of something, so take a look and your stuff and donate […]