Interested in Spiritually Motivated Social Action & Compassionate Outreach? What types of outreach are we already doing as a spiritual community? What more can we do? Where do we go from here? Join Rev. Jane SUNDAY, MAY 31ST after the second service for an exploration & planning session.
Liza Mattana
“We hug (lots) at Unity camp for three full breaths and I am a slow breather! The heart has no choice but to eventually open when that one person shows up and seems to hold the key. Often ageless and faceless. There is no judgement, no expectation…just unconditional love and total […]
Sacred Rubble 2015 was a financial and community-building success! Led by Gary Lock, this year’s rummage-sale extravaganza was so organized and fun. Gary began meeting and planning in January to get our facility, volunteers and the greater community ready for this event. We raised over $7,000, logged hundreds of volunteer […]
Wow, we can hardly believe that the big day is nearly here: Sacred Rubble 2015! We started planning this huge fundraising rummage sale at the beginning of the year with Gary Lock and several other key players. Luckily, previous year’s volunteers, like Patti Godwin, saved their files and organizing principles. […]
Unity Spiritual Center’s Foundation report: Unity Spiritual Center’s Foundation is set up to receive your financial gifts from tithes, love offering or bequests in order to maintain the long-term viability of our Spiritual home. The principle assets are continually invested to make your gifts everlasting. The interest earned is put […]
Easter Sunday is a day of renewal, rebirth and reconnection to the Spirit. In the words of our ministers, Jane and Gary Simmons, “The message of the Easter story is one of overcoming and rebirth. As we take the meaning deep within ourselves, it can lead us to awakened living.” […]
Spring Cleaning is Now! Please donate your purses, jewelry and scarves that are no longer beautiful or useful to you. We have just the right and perfect people to give a love offering and take items to a new home. Dee Riggs and Judi Grubb are organizing our Reincarnated Jewelry […]
A Seva Star is a stellar volunteer who provides sacred service, or Seva, to our Center. They are shining stars! This quarter, we are featuring Lyla Brekke. Why do we try news things? For many of us, myself included, we take the plunge because we know someone who’s trying something and […]