Who Have You Come Here to Be? Spiritual Gifts

Who Have You Come Here To Be?

A five-week exploration of your spiritual gifts and how they express themselves to bless the world. Wednesdays, at 6:30 p.m. beginning August 3.

Join Rev. David for a fun workshop of self-discovery to uncover more of the gifts, talents, and treasures hidden away in the depths of your being. NewDavidSm

Your spiritual community, even your global community, needs people like you who know who they are and why they are here. Opportunities for sacred service await for those who see themselves as themselves as stewards of those gifts.

Knowing why you came here and what is yours to do and be gives you a new sense of  meaning and purpose to your life. It becomes the mooring for living your life in alignment with what you love to do and be as well as what benefits your spiritual community.

Come find your compass, your inner GPS and create positive and creative solutions that arise when you put feet to your spiritual gifts.

If you are looking to become a Community or Governing Member of this community, this class is vitally important. Suggested love offering – $15 per week

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