Rev. Jane wraps up her class on Spiral Dynamics tonight. If you missed it, here’s a graphic to break it down. If you want a deeper understanding of worldviews or systems of thinking held by individuals, organisations and societies, let us know! Complete the Contact Us form and we’ll get […]
spiritual social action
Fear is the opposite of love – how can we love God when we fear him at the same time? Let us look briefly at the Aramaic translation: God is alaha, or ithea. God has many names in many different religions. He is called elohim or alohim in Hebrew, etc. […]
In January of this year, we received a letter from the directors of the Tree of Sharing (TOS). This is what it said: “The TOS welcomed the opportunity to once again partner with Unity Spiritual Center to fill gift requests from the often forgotten members of our community during this […]
Right now as I watch the news or talk with neighbors and co-workers I see a lot of division in the world. This has led me to stop and ask myself two questions: Am I contributing to this divisiveness with my own thoughts and actions? What can I do to […]
Thousands of people will join Silent Unity®—an international, transdenominational 24/7 prayer ministry—and Unity churches and centers around the world on September 14, 2017, for the 24th annual Unity World Day of Prayer. The theme of the 24-hour prayer event is “Peace in the Midst.” This year’s affirmation is “I am […]
There are 4 SpiritGroup service projects you are invited to participate in. See the details below and thank you in advance for your involvement! Spokane Riverkeepers Trash Hunt! Organization’s mission: dedicated to protecting and restoring the health of the Spokane River Role: Care for the river by picking up trash […]
How are SpiritGroups different this summer? Affinity to serve — Rather than organizing groups around a certain book, video series, weekly meeting location or night, we’ll be creating small groups based on people’s interest in causes and non-profits and the groups will plan and do a service project together. Flexible schedule for […]