Better Together–Yard Party Sunday, Oct 21 during the 11 am service Caregivers and their children/grandchildren from UniKids, UniFriends and Uniteens (K-8th graders) are encouraged to wear outdoor yard work clothes to assist with removing pine cones from the lawn and sweeping/raking pine needles into the bark areas. This service project […]
Our incredible team of volunteer adults are faithfully, lovingly and inspirationally committed and prepared to greet our younger Unity family members each Sunday morning. Collectively the 23 of them have served from a year and half to way over 20 years and have conservatively been part of approximately 2,820 Sunday […]
Calling all kids, parents, guardians and grandparents! This summer our youth educators will present “Design Your Dreams” Kids Week. If you know a child between the ages of 5-14, this camp is designed for them. The takes place from August 7-11, and there’s still time to register: KidsCampregistrationform2017! At Kids Week, […]
Diane Bisson, who heads our outreach efforts at Crosswalk Teen Shelter, had this to say about this fall’s pantry project: “We delivered a car full of food – items that will provide good nutrition to the hungry kids as the weather gets cold. The support of our congregation always warms […]
Unity Spiritual Center (USC) is about transforming lives and helping people to make a difference in their world. USC is both a spiritual community and an organization that is entirely supported by the generosity of our members and friends. We rely upon your financial support to manage the needs and […]
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth? I don’t know! Click on the pic below to get a feel for our most recent picnic and how our spiritual center celebrates life. Thanks to the Ryburn family, Wayne Green and the Bissons for buying food, and all […]