Right now as I watch the news or talk with neighbors and co-workers I see a lot of division in the world. This has led me to stop and ask myself two questions: Am I contributing to this divisiveness with my own thoughts and actions? What can I do to […]
Monthly Archives: September 2017
Singer/songwriter and producer Daniel Nahmod is best known for his passionate, stirring live performances, and an award-winning catalog of powerful, insightful, inspiring pop songs! And he’s coming to our center on Sunday, October 15th at 7 pm! We are blessed! Daniel has performed his profoundly moving songs of […]
Thousands of people will join Silent Unity®—an international, transdenominational 24/7 prayer ministry—and Unity churches and centers around the world on September 14, 2017, for the 24th annual Unity World Day of Prayer. The theme of the 24-hour prayer event is “Peace in the Midst.” This year’s affirmation is “I am […]
Volunteering at church—it’s a magical animal, a bit of a shape shifter actually. Its original shape is “we need volunteers to get things done at church.” And while that’s true, just start contributing your time and talent, and that act of volunteerism shifts its shape into something very peculiar. […]