Come pray with us on Maundy Thursday, April 13th. Drop in anytime between 2-7 pm and pray in the silence with our chaplains in our chapel, 2900 S Bernard, 99203. Though we won’t be washing any feet, we know that sitting with others in prayer is a deeply moving, renewing, […]
Monthly Archives: March 2017
Our Unity center houses many programs, groups, events, memorials & weddings, music recitals and classes. Our mission is about “Tranforming Lives and Helping People Make a Positive Difference in the World.” We rent space, partner with different for and non-profit businesses and individuals who share our values, and participate in […]
Why am I here – what’s my purpose on the planet – in this community – in this job as SpiritGroups Program Leader? To experience and express Love. How? Commune with my Spirit…I experience and express Love. Connect with you and your Spirit. I experience and express Love. Have compassion […]
We start accepting donations this Saturday, March 4th, for our annual rummage sale. Sacred Rubble is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and it brings thousands of people from the community to our amazing center. You know you’ve got too much of something, so take a look and your stuff and donate […]