The word hallow means saint or holy person. Hallowe’en is short for All Hallows’ Eve, the evening before All Hallows or All Saints Day, November 1… Halloween and All Saints Day Are examples of Unity’s denial and affirmation prayer process. Halloween is the denial, denying that what is scaring us has […]
Monthly Archives: October 2014
Our Unity Halloween Party, hosted and organized by our Youth Ministry, was a blast! We loved the scary maze, spooky eats, tarot and pendulum readings, games and prizes. The youth ministry’s labor of love really showed, and we think our families and friends who attended appreciated the variety of fun […]
After several months of hard work rehearsing through the summer, and long hours and of planning and prepping, the Unity choir brought Broadway on Bernard to the community last weekend, and it was a hit! We especially loved all the choreography, costumes and lighting effects. Special guests Top Flight joined […]
I wasn’t able to stay for very long tongiht, though my sneak peek was amazing! Hope you enjoy your sneak peek too…click below. More shows Saturday at 7 and Sunday at 3. Childcare available at the Sunday performance. IMG_1023
Because children don’t always want to leave their caregivers on Sunday mornings, Rev. Jackie assembled a dozen quiet bags for little hands. Sometimes kids would rather stay with their adults. We can understand that need, and we welcome you to bring your child with you. Feel free to borrow a quiet bags during the […]
To date, you have donated $1,650 to our Commit to Life, Search Project! Proceeds raised from this project will help offset the costs of hiring a new minister for our Spiritual Center. These costs could involve travel, accommodations and relocation expenses. Hiring a new minister is an involved process, and we are thankful […]
Oct 7, 2014 You won’t want to miss this year’s Broadway review, presented by the Choir and benefiting our spiritual center. Vocal talents will cover songs from South Pacific, Wicked, Godspell, The Lion King and more. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Call 838-6518 to purchase […]
Unity Spiritual Center hosts SRAVASTI ABBEY ALMS BOWL Rummage Sale &Pet Blessing! Come help support the monastic community of Sravasti Abbey located in Newport, WA. As set out by the Buddha 2600 years ago, the residents do not purchase any of their own food – we are their sole source of nourishment and […]
Oct 1, 2014 Thanks to everyone who took the congregational survey. We know you are all busy and juggle many obligations, and we appreciate your input. We’ll share our results with our top ministerial candidates to give them a better understanding of our spiritual center and our community. We’re looking […]