July 21, 2014
We’d like to share the announcement Diane Bisson, President of our Board of Trustees, made earlier this month…
“As most of you know, our minister David McClure has been on a journey of healing and has not able to be here with us since Easter Sunday. As a Board, we thank you so much for your continued support, both for our Spiritual Center and for David. I have a message for you, both from David and from the Board.
From Rev. David McClure: Because of your prayers and support, I now feel strong enough to resume some of my duties at the church. Thank you all for holding me in the light.
From Diane Bisson: I have such admiration for David- for his commitment to us, for his unwavering faith and spiritual strength.
From the Board of Trustees: David has made the decision that his focus now has to be on his health and healing. He is giving us the gift of helping and supporting us through the involved process of choosing new leadership. We have finalized and submitted to Unity World Wide the new minister application. This is the first step of the search process. We will work on this as a family, and we welcome your comments and thoughts.
Please seek out a board member if you have any questions at this time.”
We walk this path together, prayerfully.