Clothing, sporting goods, musical instruments, tools, pet supplies, toys, books, furniture, art, linens, household goods, high-end items. That was some of what we saw at our Sacred Rubble Rummage Sale. Aside from all the amazing STUFF, there was love, organization, community, fundraising, laughter, sweat, commitment, dedication, creativity, energy and transformation. […]
sacred rubble
3 posts
Sacred Rubble 2015 was a financial and community-building success! Led by Gary Lock, this year’s rummage-sale extravaganza was so organized and fun. Gary began meeting and planning in January to get our facility, volunteers and the greater community ready for this event. We raised over $7,000, logged hundreds of volunteer […]
Wow, we can hardly believe that the big day is nearly here: Sacred Rubble 2015! We started planning this huge fundraising rummage sale at the beginning of the year with Gary Lock and several other key players. Luckily, previous year’s volunteers, like Patti Godwin, saved their files and organizing principles. […]