Ministers & Speakers

Unity Spiritual Center welcomes guest speakers to share spiritual messages.

Past speakers include (but are not limited to):

Amber McKenzie: Spokane Colleges Assistant Dean of Global Education and Strategic Partnerships

Jeff Tawney: Spirtiual Leader, Unity Center of North Spokane

Previous ministers and speakers include:

Reverend Clare Austen, Minister Emeritus (Retired)

Rev. Clare Austen grew up in Camas, WA, and received her bachelor’s degree from The Evergreen State College. She attended Unity of Portland, OR, and Unity of Vancouver, WA, before moving to Kansas City, MO, where she completed her ministerial studies at Unity School of Christianity and was ordained in 1989. She served as an Associate Minister at Unity Temple on the Plaza in Kansas City for five years, then as Senior Minister at Unity Center of Columbia, MO, for eight years, and Unity Spiritual Center Spokane for twelve years before retiring.


Reverend Jackie Green, Minister Emeritus (Retired)

Jackie’s personal mission statement: “To honor the past, celebrate the present, and vision the future.” Much of Jackie’s life is focused on her personal family that miraculously continues to expand.

Jacolyn Green, aka Jackie, has been a member of Unity since 1972. Beginning in 1973 as a volunteer with Unity youth, she evolved into serving as Youth Education Director and later Youth of Unity (YOU) sponsor with her husband, Wayne. In 1979 she was hired by the Northwest Region of the Association of Unity Churches to serve as Youth Education Consultant (YOU/Uniteens), a role that she continues to hold.

In 1981 Jackie expanded her focus when she was hired as Director of Youth and Family Ministry here at our center. In 1985 Jackie became a Licensed Unity Teacher. In 1993 she was certified as a Spiritual Educator (Director, Children, Uniteens and YOU). A graduate of the Association of Unity Churches Field Licensing Program, Jackie was ordained as a Unity Minister in 2004.

Jackie was born and raised in Chickasha, Oklahoma. Receiving her Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Therapy from Oklahoma College for Women in 1959, Jackie worked for Wichita, Kansas and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma school districts, as well as Dr. John Boland Clinic as a speech therapist.

Reverend Jackie Green retired after more than 50 years serving Unity.  We are so deeply grateful for her love and contributions to this Center and to have her as a part of our community still.


Reverend David McClure, Minister Emeritus (Retired)

David has been in Unity since the age of six. He was born in Ontario, Canada and attended the Unity Church in Toronto in his youth.NewDavidSm

David was the former senior minister at Unity of Spokane, from 1975 to 1983. He has also ministered to Unity congregations including Vancouver, B.C., Sydney, Australia, Honolulu, Hawaii, San Francisco, Dallas, and Kailua. He and his wife, Donna, also a Unity minister, returned to Spokane in 2009. David was invited to become the Associate Minister at Unity Spiritual Center Spokane in September of 2011. In 2013, David once again became the Senior Minister.

David was President of the Association of Unity Churches in 1980 and has served on the International Board of Trustees for the Association for six years. He was the Northwest Regional Representative from 1978-80. David has been a member of various Unity committees and teams, and he is a graduate of the Unity Executive Institute.

David brings his own style of humor, insight, and inspiration to the work he loves so much. He recently wrote a book that is to be published Fall 2024!